Signdealz Blog | Commercial Outdoor Signage

Information You Should Consider Displaying on Your Business's Sign

Written by William (Bill) Hayes | Feb 28, 2014 8:01:00 PM

Whether above the front door, on a pole or as a billboard, exterior signs are an important part of marketing a business. In many instances, they are the first thing to make an impression on a potential customer, so they must provide a professional image and the right information.

Here is a breakdown of imporant information that is important for any business' sign:

The Basics

At the very least your sign should include your company name, address, phone number, and website URL. In addition, you can add a locator or a simple map if you have the space.

Logo and Slogan

Integrating the design elements like the logo and slogan that define your company with the rest of the sign can help give customers a clearer picture of your business and its values. The key is keeping the sign relatively uncluttered and attractive while still delivering the message.

Listing of Services or Products

Incorporating a listing of your services or products into the design of the sign is essential. This doesn't need to be a full or incredibly detailed list, but should at least convey what they should expect out of your business. Again, giving your potential customers the most information in the shortest possible time is the essence of good sign design.

For more information and advice on buying your first sign for your business or if you are looking for a Denver sign company, please contact us at Signdealz.  We'll be happy to help you figure out how to balance the important information on your signs.