Signdealz Blog | Commercial Outdoor Signage

Need Information on Local Codes for LED Signs | Signdealz Knows

Written by William (Bill) Hayes | Mar 29, 2014 8:09:00 PM

Before you finalize the design and purchase of your new Watchfire LED sign for your school sign it is important to ensure it meets all local codes and ordinances. Making changes once the sign is installed is an unfortunate and costly mistake that can easily be avoided with a little research and education. 

Signdealz is the leader in LED Signs for Schools

Some of the most common local ordinances address:

  • Location: Regulations often dictate where a sign can be placed, how far it must be from sidewalks, roads, or other buildings, and its location relative to other signs.
  • Animation: Local ordinances may determine the length of the animation series, the frequency, and what times of day the animation can be live. 
  • Timing: Your community may have regulations that dictate the duration of the message display, transition, and the frame effects. A industry standard for LED signs is a transition to a new message every 1-2 seconds. Local regulations most often affect message transitions and frame effects.  

Signdealz offers customers a valuable online resource to help them determine sign codes and ordinances for their local area. It is important to know the different codes that regulate using an LED sign to promote your business. Please take the time to check this page for your local area and clearly understand your local restrictions. If your city or local area isn't listed, contact one of our sign professionals today, and we'll work with you to research your city's sign ordinances. 

To learn more about using an LED sign to promote your business contact us at Signdealz today. We are proud to serve as a trusted resource for businesses in need of new signage.