Signdealz Blog | Commercial Outdoor Signage

National Account Sign Companies Vs. Local Sign Companies

Written by William (Bill) Hayes | Feb 5, 2014 3:57:00 AM

Products:Why The Difference?

Traditionally, an electric sign company can do one of two things well; service a local area of business or service large national brands. Doing both well is a challenge that the grand majority of sign companies do not even attempt, and for good reason. The two types of companies have opposing models. One focuses on flexiblity and detail, while the other focuses on efficiency and standardization. 

The Local Sign Company

To properly service a local area of business requires intimate knowlege of local sign and electrical codes, traffic, weather, local economic trends and a host of other important details. A local sign company must also be a part of the area's business community in a real way, such as attending local networking events, chamber meetings, leads groups, etc. Creating and maintaining good working relationships with local business owners takes time and care. Most importantly, a local electric sign company must run a very flexible operation in order to make hundreds of different types of signs for thousands of different businesses in the area. The majority of these signs will be ordered in quantities of four or less without a re-order of the same sign for several years. 

The National Account Sign Company

A national account sign company, on the other hand, is focused on developing relationships with mid to large size brands in order to develop and implement signage programs for the brands that are consistent accross the nation, or at least regionally. This requires a more sophisticated level of account and project management to run several remote sign projects similtaniously while maintaining the same brand standards at each location. National account sign companies also must maintain a higher level of professionalism as they often work with the owners and executives of large and prestigious companies. A sign shop that services national accounts must run in an assembly line fashion in order to increases productivity and drive pricing down, allowing hundreds of the same sign type to be made in a quick and affordable manner. These signs are then shipped accross the country where local sign companies are subcontracted to obtain permits and perform the installation. 

The Signdealz Difference

At Signdealz, we understand the needs of local businesses. Due to our established broker and vendor network, we specialize in providing channel letter signs and other electric signs to local businesses across the nation at a fraction of the cost and time it takes other sign companies to do the same. We work directly with hundreds of local sign companies in virtually every city and, due to volume, are able to get the best pricing on custom sign fabrication and installation.

How about national account work? We have a team of project managers who specialize in providing the best service to our national account clients. We understand how important standardization of brand and image is to mid to large size companies. We realize that communication and professionalism are equally important. Our vendor network of over 30 wholesale sign manufacturers allows us to drive fabrication pricing down while ensuring speed, quality and consistency of work. 

So, whether you are a local business or a national brand, at Signdealz we have your needs in mind. Let us prove it to you. Give us a call today for a free quote.