Signdealz Blog | Commercial Outdoor Signage

Choosing The Right LED Display For Your Location

Written by William (Bill) Hayes | Aug 26, 2011 1:35:00 PM

How big should my LED display be?

OK, so you've made the decision to invest in a LED Display for your business... but how big should it be? This is a lot more important than it sounds... If your LED Display isn't properly sized to fit your location, you could end up with a very expensive sign that can't be read by passing people. Avoiding this requires a careful review of the location for the display, as well as the intended use. Luckily, Signdealz is here to help!

When choosing the right LED Display, there are a few things to consider:

  • Viewing Distance
  • Speed of Passing Traffic
  • Sign Height/Elevation
  • Content

Once you've gathered that information, you can determine your matrix (for more info, see our last blog story, "LED Displays From Signdealz - Get Your Message Out There!"). Now you need to determine the correct Pitch. A smaller/more dense Pitch will make the minimum character size smaller.

So, if your LED Display is going to be viewed from a long distance by traffic traveling, say 60mph, you will need a larger character size to make sure they can read it. Thus, you would need a larger Pitch.

If your sign will be close to the traffic and the speed limit is 20mph, you can use a small character size and smaller Pitch, and your message will still be easy to read.

As a general rule with LED Displays, the smaller the Matrix and the larger the Pitch, the grainier the picture on the LED Display will be.

All of this can seem a bit overwhelming, but have no fear... Signdealz is here!

Remember, if your LED Display is too big, you're wasting valuable resources you can use somewhere else. Same if your LED Display is too small... Only a properly sized LED Display will give you the most bang for your buck, and the most influence on your customer base. Signdealz can help you determine the best LED Display for your location, and take you through every step to getting into the top echelon of advertising! Give us a call!