One of the best ways to market your business is by using signs for your business. Odds are if you invest in signs for your business, you’re going to put a lot of thought into the design of the sign, from the colors you use to the type of sign itself. However, there is one thing that you shouldn’t overlook: the landscape around your sign. Just sticking your sign into the dirt isn’t going to look very appealing, after all. The following are a few tips for landscaping around the signs for your business:
Landscaping Goes Hand-in-Hand With Your Outdoor Business Signs
Keep safety in mind
When picking a spot out, make sure that you won’t be digging deep enough to disrupt any plumbing or gas lines that may be under ground. You should find out where they are on your property before choosing a spot for your sign.
Clear the area
You should remove all existing plants or grass that are growing around the area you are placing your sign. You can do this carefully in order to transplant these plants or grass to another spot. Make sure all plant roots are removed properly so that they won’t grow back.
Choosing the plants
You’ll want to grow your own plants around the sign as a way to attract attention to it. One of the important factors to doing this successfully is choosing plants that are shorter than the sign. You want your plants to compliment your sign, not obstruct it.
Choosing the plant colors
Don’t just choose any random colors that you find attractive when picking out your plants. The colors of your plants should compliment the style of your sign and help the lettering on the sign to pop out more.
Prevent weeds
You’ll have to weed regularly in order to keep the area tidy, but you can spread mulch to help prevent them from growing.
Use these tips to landscape around the signs for your business. If you are looking to purchase custom signs for your business, then be sure to contact us online at Signdealz today.