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Your Lighted Sign Buying Guide - 7 Quick Tips for Success

When it comes to purchasing your sign, it's not like buying a car or a house. Most people won't have the opportunity to buy a sign in their lifetime, and if they do, it's their first one. It's one of the most business critical purchases you will ever make for your business and getting it wrong can cost you thousands of dollars over time. Signdealz has compiled the 7 quick tips for purchasing your first sign.

Amazing Tips on Making Your Logo into a Sign

Designing a logo When starting a business it is key to create a logo that will help you build your brand and tell your story. A logo identifies a business through a mark or an icon. When High Plains Tap House (HPTH) started working with Signdealz they did not have a logo. As a start up they knew the importance the logo would have on branding and creating an identity for their tap house. After a conversation and a few notepad doodles we were able to take those ideas and doodles over to our team of designers. Using the customers concept, ideas on colors, and understanding what was important to them, the Signdealz design team came up with a logo that was unique and told the story of HPTH.

Tips for Smart Landscaping Around a Business Sign

One of the best ways to market your business is by using signs for your business. Odds are if you invest in signs for your business, you’re going to put a lot of thought into the design of the sign, from the colors you use to the type of sign itself. However, there is one thing that you shouldn’t overlook: the landscape around your sign. Just sticking your sign into the dirt isn’t going to look very appealing, after all. The following are a few tips for landscaping around the signs for your business:

Use Effective Colors to Get the Most From Your Sign

Your business's signage is the first visual representation of your service or products that customsers will see. Different color combinations represent different moods and feelings and can truly have deep psychological impact on people that view them, so choosing the right color combination before buying your first sign is very important.

Make Sure Your Signs Are ADA-Compliant

Complying with ADA standards is very important for maintaining trust and respect in your company. When you need to buy signs for your business, make sure to purchase signs that are ADA-compliant. Nearly every sign that would be considered an architectural sign will need to comply to certain ADA Accessibility Guideline standards.

5 Ways to Spot a Great Freelance Sign Designer

5 Ways to Spot a Great Freelance Sign Designer

Choosing the Right Sign for Your Business

Choosing the right sign for your small business is imperative if you want to attract new customers. Creating custom signs for your business can brand or imprint your company in the minds of those who frequent the area. The New York State Small Business Development Center states, “Signage is much more than a structure marking the location of a business. It's a complex, interactive medium of communication.”

Top 5 Benefits Of LED Displays

LED displays have come a long way from the single-color models a few decades back to evolving into the colorful and animated attractions that modern businesses use today to enhance their visibility.

Sign Design from Signdealz - Thinking Outside The Box

When a business reaches the point of needing professional signage, the task can sometimes seem a little intimidating. There are a lot of factors to consider! Most importantly, you want to reach your target demographic. Presentation is everything! This is where "thinking outside the box" comes in. Consider this: Most signs are seen on the move... from moving vehicles, passing pedestrians, ect.

How your sign or logo creates an image in your customers mind!

So I was sitting in my living room thinking about what to write this evening for my Signdealz Blog. My sister has commented on my Facebook page with glee, how boring writing a blog about the sign industry sounds.